Awesome Palm Beach is a very cool new organization that popped up on the scene several months ago. The concept is simple. Highlight a worthwhile local project each month and then fund them with a $1000 micro-grant.
The Awesome team is made up of local entrepreneurs and business people who are looking to “positive change within our immediate communities”
I caught up with Jeff Brown, local serial entrepreneur, philanthropist, Angel Investor & founder of Awesome Palm Beach and asked some questions about the project.
“We picked West Palm Beach because it is home and to paraphrase a famous movie ‘what would I be if I take any opportunity to make my home a better place’” Jeff said, “There are so many people, doing so many worthy and good things that it only makes sense to support them in any way we can. Even if it is $100 a time.”
“When I read about the Awesome Foundation I decided it just needed to be done here in Palm Beach County. The real people that make it work are all the trustees.”
This month the event will be on Thursday, February 6 at 7 p.m. at The Wine Dive on Clematis Street. Event attendance is $10 and an “Awesome Voting Ticket” is $100 . The event open to anyone with a desire to support Awesome Palm Beach.
The charities up for this month’s grant are:
Jack the Bike Man, Inc., is a non-profit organization that provides free bikes to children. The organization gave away over 1,000 bicycles during the 2013 holiday season through its Wheels of Hope program. In addition to bike giveaways, Jack the Bike Man offers jobs to at-risk youth in West Palm Beach.
South Florida Crowd Funding is a non-profit organization with a mission to help raise funds for start-up businesses, individual projects, film, albums, community projects, creative projects, musicians, artists, charities, athletes and athletic programs, people in crisis and even pets. The organization works to keep crowd funds local for local entrepreneurs in order to develop a regional brand to put South Florida on the map as a hot bed for start-ups.
Summer Reading for Children 6-9 provides engaging reading material that captivates the interest of children ages six to nine during summer break. The program also includes incentives for children that fulfill the commitment of 15 minutes of reading per day.
Awesome Palm Beach is part of The Awesome Foundation, a global network of people devoted to forwarding the interest of awesomeness in the universe. To date, The Awesome Foundation has 89 chapters in 18 countries and has awarded $827,000 for 827 projects worldwide.
One response to “Awesome Palm Beach to award $1000 microgrant this Thursday at Wine Dive”
Very cool stuff being done by The Awesome Foundation!